Meet Our Partners

GTC has partnered with several groups to make GTC the premier tournament group. With teams, designers, media companies, and broadcasters, all working together to put on a great show, and give the drivers and teams a way to entice sponsors to reach out and support them.

If you want to become a partner, and have something to offer to the virtual racing community, please reach out to us via the contact form.

RWB Racing:

“We are proud to be the “driving” force behind GTC. With years of experience training, teaching, hosting and building fantastic, engaging events, we plan to bring our private successes to the public arena.”

Visit RWB Racing’s website, and follow on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, and subscribe on YouTube.

HyPrix Design:

HyPrix is a small Graphic Design agency focused on motorsports, simracing, esports and sports in general. “We are proud to support GT Champions with their brand design and hope to continue supporting them in the future!”

Visit their website and check their Dribble and Behance profiles to know more about what they do, and follow them on Twitter and Instagram.

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